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Dear Friends,
As a patriotic, political activist and USAF veteran I hope to bring this genre of music more into the mainstream. Protest music and songs about hard times have a long history associated with social movements such as peace, labor and slavery. In order to decrease the level of apathy and raise public awareness on important economic issues and spark civilized debate about the state of the economy I have released my fundraisng CD entitled,"Time to Play Politics."
"Time to Play Politics" includes a wide variety of protest music that is multi-genre to reach a large audience. I anticipate that this CD will be a hit and a must have for all committed activists. These songs are hard hitting reality music that include hip-hop for the younger generation. Send one to your local minded politician as a reminder that they are supposed to be serving the people and not catering to special interests, lobby groups and CEO's that are focused on short term maximum profits. I have the audicity to hope that our public servants develop some critical thinking skills along with an unbiased objective analysis of our economic and social ills.
Track five entitled "Enough is Enough" can be heard on youtube and the views are climbing. Proceeds from CD sales will be used to further my career as an outspoken activist committed to helping to bring about systemic change to a system that is not sustainable and fundamentally flawed. Revenues will also help fund my symbolic run for President of the United States of America as an Independent write in candidate for 2016.
This website is a work in progress. Please visit our Store and consider purchasing a CD via mail order and watch for our release on http://www.cdbaby.com Clueless and narrow minded politicians need to wake up. The general public need to pay attention and get educated. Peace, prosperity, liberty and a sustainable recovery is only possible through justice and systemic change.
Working towards this new beginning, I am a proud supporter of the Capital Homestead Act being promoted by the Center for Economic and Social Justice in Arlington, VA. To learn more please visit my site at http://www.myspace.com/protestusa or http://www.ownthefed.org Help save and protect our great nation by getting money power to "we the people." Enough is enough!!
Please visit my site athttp://bigdforpresident2016.weebly.com The homepage is interactive and I promise you will not be disappointed. Look for me on Facebook and let's be friends.
United We Stand!!! Thanks for visiting. Also, I hope you enjoy the music of Canadian activist Remo Cino and other artists.
Copyright 2010 RemoCino/Daniel Moore. All rights reserved.
Warning: Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.
As a patriotic, political activist and USAF veteran I hope to bring this genre of music more into the mainstream. Protest music and songs about hard times have a long history associated with social movements such as peace, labor and slavery. In order to decrease the level of apathy and raise public awareness on important economic issues and spark civilized debate about the state of the economy I have released my fundraisng CD entitled,"Time to Play Politics."
"Time to Play Politics" includes a wide variety of protest music that is multi-genre to reach a large audience. I anticipate that this CD will be a hit and a must have for all committed activists. These songs are hard hitting reality music that include hip-hop for the younger generation. Send one to your local minded politician as a reminder that they are supposed to be serving the people and not catering to special interests, lobby groups and CEO's that are focused on short term maximum profits. I have the audicity to hope that our public servants develop some critical thinking skills along with an unbiased objective analysis of our economic and social ills.
Track five entitled "Enough is Enough" can be heard on youtube and the views are climbing. Proceeds from CD sales will be used to further my career as an outspoken activist committed to helping to bring about systemic change to a system that is not sustainable and fundamentally flawed. Revenues will also help fund my symbolic run for President of the United States of America as an Independent write in candidate for 2016.
This website is a work in progress. Please visit our Store and consider purchasing a CD via mail order and watch for our release on http://www.cdbaby.com Clueless and narrow minded politicians need to wake up. The general public need to pay attention and get educated. Peace, prosperity, liberty and a sustainable recovery is only possible through justice and systemic change.
Working towards this new beginning, I am a proud supporter of the Capital Homestead Act being promoted by the Center for Economic and Social Justice in Arlington, VA. To learn more please visit my site at http://www.myspace.com/protestusa or http://www.ownthefed.org Help save and protect our great nation by getting money power to "we the people." Enough is enough!!
Please visit my site athttp://bigdforpresident2016.weebly.com The homepage is interactive and I promise you will not be disappointed. Look for me on Facebook and let's be friends.
United We Stand!!! Thanks for visiting. Also, I hope you enjoy the music of Canadian activist Remo Cino and other artists.
Copyright 2010 RemoCino/Daniel Moore. All rights reserved.
Warning: Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.
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