Daniel E. Moore is a 50 yr. old singer/songwriter and Catholic convert who is involved with the Knights of Columbus and organizations committed to peace, liberty, justice and a more fair and just global economy. He has done some amateur stand-up comedy, plays the accordian and loves to entertain people and attend political and labor rallies. His protest song "Enough is Enough" came in second place at an audition for the old Ed McMahon's Star Search Competition in Liberty, Ohio at the Funny Farm Comedy Club. While not able to quit his day job as a stationary engineer at a steelmill in Pennsylvania he is using protest music to inspire other political and grassroots activists. He was honorably discharged from the USAF in 1979 and served during the Cold War with Russia as an anti-intrusion alarm specialist for the Minuteman nuclear missile system at Malmstrom AFB in Great Falls, Montana. Moore aims to use the CD he is working on as a platform for promoting systemic change and encourages all private citizens and world leaders alike to challenge traditional ways of thinking about ecomomics, people, profits and money. The URL link to YouTube is . Please ask your friends, neighbors and co-workers to visit and join my music channel at Thanks for your support!!!